Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday 3 December 2009

I am sitting all on my own!

Always excited.

Hellow Kakak Novie!

Hello mummy!

Yes, baby Nila sits. You have been able to sit down for several seconds without support for a few weeks. But two days ago, mummy sat you up and you didn't sway or wobble. You just sat there, straight and steady. Nothing was going to knock you down. You grabbed the toys around you with ease. Kakak Novie called you from the kitchen and you swung your head around to look for her. And back again to look at mummy. Your bum bum was still rooted on the mattress. Wow! Impressive. Time to bring out the high chair! Or rather, time to go shopping for a new high chair! No, we'll just grab the one we left at Pati's house.

How time flies Nila. You will be 8 months in exactly 2 weeks. And in 4 months, we will celebrate your 1st year! You are very vocal, even more so than your 'akka'. Always struggling to get those baby words out. I can hear the frustration building in your voice before your gurgling turn into shouts. You are very much into hair-pulling now. When there is a head of hair in sight, you will throw your weight towards it and grab instantly to a big lock and pull pull pull. Elil is your favorite victim. She screams and cries and pulls back. Of course you never release and tug harder. Mummy has to intervene and pluck your fingers back one by one until Elil's head is freed from your grasp. And then I have to pick the bunch of Elil's hairs stuck in between you fingers. Mummy feels Elil's pain. You are quite the 'cat-fighter'. There was once, you even did this with your toes! Mummy was impressed. Nila's got talent.

Daddy has been off the last week or so. He gets back tomorrow. We have not been able to visit anyone out of our little town. You would not allow mummy to drive. You still cry if I am in sight and am not the one carrying you. To Tesco and Pati's house, mummy has had to carry you while driving which is terribly unsafe. You cry as if you have just been beaten or abused. It's heart breaking to hear. But it's heart warming to know that you need mummy and only mummy so desperately. Will I ever be able to let you go?

Friday 6 November 2009

The Light Sleeper

A pin drop will wake you up from your precious slumber. Everyone has been telling mummy to expose you to sounds during and before nap time to get you accustomed to sleep through even the most thunderous thunderstorms or your big sister Elil. This seems to have not worked with you. The flip of a light switch can get you turning over in your cot. And many times it seems you wake up for no reason at all.

You love mummy's boobies. You can probably hang on there all night. Some nights you do. On nights like these, you sleep so peacefully even fire works on new year'e eve would not move you. It has been a struggle for mummy. So difficult to get an uninterrupted night's sleep. But I see it as a blessing. As I hold you in my arms at 3 o'clock in the morning, I admire the roundness of your almost bald head, those closed eyes, long eye lashes, pointy little nose and thin lips. Your free hand is wrapped around your ear. You do this in your sleep all the time. Those chubby arms and thunderful thighs. Fragile little fingers and tiny little toes. I watch your body rise and fall. I can smell you. A mix of baby wash, euky (eucalyptus oil) and your asam-y baby sweat. Oh so nice.

Some nights when you are in deep sleep. And don't make the slightest move or sound. Mummy wakes up anyway and goes into panic. Why are you not moving? I strain my eyes and stare at your chest. Mummy is relieved only when she can see your breathing. Oh, you must be having beautiful, wonderful dreams. Silly mummy to worry so much.

Nowadays, (as in the past week or so) your sleep is more fixed or stable. You don't wake up as much and can sleep longer periods. Plus mummy's managed to get both Elil and you to have your afternoon naps together. And this is how mummy gets to finally start on your blog!

Monday 2 November 2009

Welcome To The World Baby Girl!

Hello happy baby! Or should mummy say, eager baby? Yes, you could not wait to meet the world so you made your way out a whole month earlier than mummy was prepared for! Girl, did you give me a scare! Daddy was out of the country and mummy had just put Elil down after some struggle and a little frustration.

Mummy's water had broke. Tata rushed mummy to the hospital. Then after an induction shot, , the life-saving epidural and 19 hours of contractions later on the 18th April 2009 at 18:18 hours you entered the world screaming at the top of your lungs. Mummy can't describe the relief she felt upon hearing that strong sweet scream. Oh, she's healthy!You are healthy! The doctor lifts you up and shows you to mummy. My oh my, you are the spitting image of your big sister. It's the same baby! Oh how perfect you are! All 2.58 kg of you! 2 weeks later we christened you Nila Anandi. Your name means happy moon.

I am sorry sweetheart. It has taken mummy a whole 6.5 months to start on your blog. Taking care of 2 little (super active and curious) angels has taken up 100% of mummy's time. It's only now (two months after Kakak Mon left) are we all 3 adjusting (somewhat) to each other and mummy can finally squeeze some time in to THINK (straight) and type.

You are the happiest, sweetest baby ever! And mummy is your favoritest person in the world (for now anyway). From day one you have been flashing (maybe not too flashy yet) us your 'melt my heart' gummy smile. You are constantly looking up at mummy, staring intently and not looking away until you get a smile from me. It's as if you always need my assurance, that mummy loves and adores you still. And if you are not in mummy's arms, you will frantically look around for mummy and only be satisfied when you spot me and I give you my reassuring smile that you so desperately need. It seems I am your addiction. You simply can't do without me. It gives mummy a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. So so good.